Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tranquility In Giving!

Hello dear ones...

I know i know... I took quite a long time to write this new post, apologies to all who have been waiting!!

Sometimes we don't keep quiet because we have nothing to say, but instead because we have too much to say but we don't know how exactly to articulate it in words... I was also going through some dilemma like that. There are so many things happening around us every single day, every single moment of the day that we don't remember most, and out of the little that our memories store somewhere at the back of our minds, we forget to even acknowledge them later. In times when we have more worries in our lives than happy things, it becomes difficult to share something that would be worth listening by others, or worse that would be more satisfying to our own ears.

People are struggling everyday, in many different ways, just to keep going, just to survive. But does that mean there is nothing good happening around us at all? Does that mean we really see and experience only difficult, bad things throughout our day? Well, I think NO!!

I go through a lot myself. All the incidents are not super nice or happy. There are a lot of fights, a lot of anger I deal with. There is sadness, hurt. There are tensions, worries. And there is WORK (can anything else beat that huh!!!). But you know what, I still experience a lot of beautiful things. Amongst all  this chaos, there are moments of pure heavenly peaceful bliss. Hard to believe? I will give you an example today...

So, as I had mentioned earlier in my previous blog, I am a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility team at my office, and these days we were celebrating the "Joy of Giving Week". So what we do is collect wishes on chits from all the NGO kids and ask everyone at office to pick a wish chit and fulfill that wish for the kid. And there are so many wonderful people who actually pick up the wish chits and bring the gifts all wrapped up nicely in colorful papers.. :) And what me and my team does is - collect those gifts somewhere at office till the day we have to go to the NGO and distribute them to the cute little angels.

But this whole process is not what I really intended to share (though it's just nice that i could!).

I have been experiencing something beautiful and amazing during this whole process. Everyday people come and give the gifts to me, and at the end of every day I go and keep them at our office Club House. After the day's work, while leaving the office, I pick up my bag and all the gifts in my hands and walk towards the Club House. I work till late, so usually it gets dark by the time I'm leaving, and there are very less people around. The path to the Club House seems very serene at that hour, with soothing darkness with little and enough light from the surrounding buildings, and there's always cool breeze and the calm trees on the sides. It's a 5 minutes walk from my building, but these 5 minutes have become the most awaited, most relaxing 5 minutes of my routine these days. Because walking down that path, with my hands full with gifts from some good hearted people, for some very cute kids, makes me feel like I'm passing on the blessings I collected throughout the day and going to store them at the end of the day. It seems like I'm carrying all the love and all the good in the world in my hands. It feels like after my day, I'm just saying "Thanks" for all that is good in my life, and for all that I wish to be better. I feel truly amazing! All the while throughout those 5 minutes I walk smiling to myself (I'm sure many people seeing me would have wondered if I was a lunatic, but do I care!). This feeling wipes off the entire day's tiredness and worries and all bad that might have happened. Just this little thing etches in my brain what is good, and nice.

I take back at the end of every day happiness and pure tranquility and peace! I know what I'm doing is just a drop in the big ocean of the good that many people do. But this drop is enough to quench my thirst for peace and true joy.

Try it, give away a little of good, and you will get it back many folds in forms you may never expect. And at the same time, keep your eyes and your hearts open to all the nice things happening around you. Spread the joy, share all the wonderful experiences (however small they may seem), speak of good, because that's how it will grow, in our hearts, within us and all over around us!

Will come back again here, with something happy, something nice!! So keep reading!!

Keep Sparkling!!


Friday, October 4, 2013

The First Step...

It's always easy to get lost in the everyday busy routine and forget to give time and importance to those little things of life which are close to our heart. Been happening with me from a very long time now, so today I finally decided that I will let go off of all the barriers (office work majorly) and do what i enjoy the most(writing!!!).

So here I am with my all fresh thoughts(and my laptop), sitting in the comfort of my wonderful room at 10:05 PM just jotting down whatever I feel like. We have a right to speech, so why not just utilize it!!

So let me first tell you something about myself (without being boastful, which is extremely difficult). I am that super nice girl who is everyone's friend. Always smiling, charming, friendly, helpful, good at work, smart, and not to mention pretty. That girl you'll look at and would not be able to help but smile. Officially I work as a Program Manager for Enterprise Mobility in a super cool firm (Sounds cool eh?). And also a part of an Event Management team in the same organization (How about that!!). Both these roles take up at least 12 hours of everyday of my routine. And if you think handling this would get me tired, well you are right, but to fight that tiredness I offer an hour at least everyday contributing to the Social Responsibility causes like supporting NGOs and small kids who have lesser resources. Sounds a lot? I told you it's hard to describe myself and not be boastful at the same time :)

But all this is what keeps me going. Always high on energy and enthusiasm I need these channels to feel happy all the time. Because I collect all that happiness and give it away to all my loved ones. I have a big group of friends and they are all just so utterly caring and loving that I hardly ever find myself alone.

So after all the nice things that I said about myself (*wink wink*) I want to also tell that I go through many small, big things in life out of which I try to gather some learning (at least out of most experiences). So through this blog I just want to share all these bitter sweet experiences with you all wonderful people so that you may have a nice time reading them, laugh at some incidents, feel emotional about some, learn something from some, and just ignore some if you choose to :)

Hope you enjoy reading all further posts!!

Please do share the feedback and ask any questions you might have.

Keep Sparkling!
